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/ Creative Computers / Creative Computers CD-ROM, Volume 1 (Legendary Design Technologies, Inc.)(1994).iso / shareware / fractals / fcs / fcs.doc (.png) < prev    next >
ANSI Art File  |  1994-11-17  |  6KB  |  640x2320
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OCR: DULE " version 0.99 =) created : 02/12/88 by Garth Thornton last modified : 11/6/09 Copyright 1989 Garth Thornton Permission to distribute and use for non commercial purposes granted. E Aniga Users Group (Wgtn), c/o 156c Queens Drive, Lyall Bay, Wellington 3, NEW ZEALAND. twills@amiga.actrix.gen.nz locunentation written by AJU, after conversations with Garth : This is a pre-release version of an iterated Fractal Construction Set progran being developed by Garth Thornton. He has just about completed a wuch modified final version, that doesn't look much like this early one, and is considering whether to sell it, or make it shareware etc. I won't try and describe the theories of fractal as I'm no expert, try Byte 3. Mandelbrot. sagaz ine, Jan 1900, pages 215-223, and 'The Fractal Geometry of Mature', by It needs a bit of memory so you may have problems on a 512k machine, so if you've only got 512k shut down all other programs and windows on the Workbench. This version is quite functional (with only a few bugs :- ), just start it up from the icon. It presents a screen with four pull doun nenus, and lots of gadgets laid out like this : ILock Sell IStore Dpth! ICol | IXTral IYTral IXSell ITSell IXRot! |YRot! ! Lock Rot! IRecall! IDel ILine Replace (nain slider) Editing: Generator! Transform Dpth : Iteration depth, affects drawing detail The following relate to individual transforms : Col colour ATri translation in X direction YIrr translation in Y direction scaling in X direction YSel scaling in Y direction rotation about X axis Phot rotation about Y axis The following are for locking the X an Y axis scaling and rotation gadgets together, to make it easier to set up sone symetrical transforms ! ock Scl ock Rot : Lock scaling gadgets together Lock rotation gedgets together Store : Temporarily store current transform Recall Restore transforn last stored : Add a new transforn Delete current transforn Line Replace : Toggle between line replace, and random iterate drawing methods. "Line replace draus a 'cleaner' inage, whereas randon iterate gives an idea of the complete image sooner Editing: Generator : Toggles between editing the generator transforms and the initiator. By changing the initiator to something nore complex than a straight line you can generate things like a spiral of serpinsky triangles. Transform : Slider to selects which transform to operate on. The four menus are fairly self explamitory (most of the options in the Filing men aren't implemented). The 'Fractal' menu needs a little explanation : : Draws the fractal using the tramsforns you've set up Parameter : Comtains a number of options you can change rau Detail : Controls the amount of detail plotted, higher numbers mean more points plotted. Colour, Region : These controls overall colouring, effective in randon Spread : iterate mode. X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Determines the size of the draun fractal. Can be used to scale the whole fractal up/down in size. OPERATION : Entering : 1) Select parameters you wish to change (colour, xtranslate, etc), and use main slider to ad just to desired values (click in body of slider to adjust one unit at a time for fine tuning) 2) For simple transforms, things can be sped up by selecting LOCKSCALE and LOCKROTATION gadgets (if X & Y values are to be the sane) 3) Select ADD, to add a new transform 4) Repeat 1 to 3 above until all tramsforns added Select DRAW from FRACTAL menu (or use keyboard shortcut Amiga-D) Click left mouse button to return to editor Editing : Use TRANSFORM slider to select transform to edit, use store and recall if you want to try a change and undo it if it's not satisfactory. Fiddle to your hearts content, if you produce something really interesting, write down the parancters, and do a screen save of the picture using sone D screen capture utility or something like Grabit. Send us a copy of anything you think looks good. To get you started here are a few examples : Examples Sierpinski's triangle : Transform Duth Col XIrn YTrm Xscl YScl XRot YRot 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 12 9.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 Spiral 30 0.85 0.85 0.44 0.44 40 122 10 122 fern : 15 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65